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Tree stump on the lawn

4 Benefits of Removing Tree Stumps From Your Property in the Winter

Taking care of the exterior of your home can feel overwhelming if you choose to leave the bulk of the work for one season, such as springtime. If you want to stay ahead of feeling stressed and you want to tend to your home’s landscaping, consider removing tree stumps during the wintertime instead. Knowing what to keep in mind when you’re thinking of eliminating tree stumps for your property in the winter will make the process easier than ever, even if you are new to removing stumps and trees.

1. Removing Stumps Is Easier When the Ground Is Cold

Before you hire professionals to remove the tree stumps on your property, it’s important to select the right date and time. While it will not always be possible to choose an entirely ideal time, it’s advisable to remove stumps when the ground is cold, yet not frozen entirely. If the surrounding ground on your property is completely solid and frozen, the tree removal experts you hire may require specialized equipment to get the job done. However, opting to remove tree stumps in the winter will typically make the removal process much easier.

2. Lowered Risk of Pest Infestation

In the winter, you are less likely to encounter live creatures and pest infestations. If the tree stumps in your yard are currently covered with dying brush and surrounding vegetation, it’s best to remove them before attempting to clear a stump directly from the ground. This process will also eliminate nests and prevent future potential infestations. In addition, clearing surrounding brush and vegetation will help professional tree removal specialists make a plan of action that is minimally invasive when it comes to your surrounding land.

3. Increased Yard Safety

Spending time in your yard in the winter can be enjoyable, but not if you’re tripping over hazards, including tree stumps buried in snow. Removing hidden tree stumps can significantly reduce falls in any yard, big or small. Professional tree removal experts will also utilize mechanical stump removal machinery to aid in the process.

4. You Can Plan for Spring

If you are thinking of planting a large garden next spring or if you’re interested in all-new landscaping and exterior decor, uprooting unsightly, dead, or oversized stumps from your yard in the winter is essential. Removing stumps in the winter will provide more time for you to implement new additions to your garden and yard once springtime arrives.

If you’re currently located in Albuquerque, NM and you’re thinking of having tree stumps removed this winter, turn to professionals you can count on. Robert’s Tree Service can take care of all your stump grinding needs this winter.

Contact Robert’s Tree Service today to schedule a free service estimate!