Establishing a consistent tree trimming schedule throughout the year is highly recommended for maintaining the health and appearance of the trees in your yard. Winter is an optimal season for tree trimming for various reasons. Consider starting this practice early in the new year to achieve excellent results.
More Access to Tree’s Structures
In winter, visibility is increased due to the absence of leaves on trees, making it easier to spot diseased or dead branches and structural issues. Tree specialists can also conduct more comprehensive and precise examinations and trim trees more easily during this season.
Lower Stress and Improved Healing
Trees are in a dormant state in the winter, which means that there is little activity going on with them. Pruning and trimming aren’t going to cause as much stress with a dormant tree. Trees can heal during this time and be ready for a surge of growth in the spring. Your trees are sure to be healthier in general when you hire a professional for this task in winter.
Avoid Attracting Pests
Pests are attracted to fresh cuts on trees after they have been trimmed. For this reason, it is advisable to schedule tree trimming in the winter when pests are less active. Removing weak or dead branches while trees are dormant can prevent pests from nesting in them in the future.
Enhance Safety With Winter Trimming
Winter tree trimming is essential for eliminating hazardous limbs before harsh weather arrives. Snow and ice can weigh down branches, increasing the risk of them breaking and causing damage to your home, vehicles, or nearby structures. Weak limbs can also pose a danger to family members or passersby if they fall unexpectedly. Removing these potential hazards in advance ensures both your safety and the health of the tree, as trimming prevents additional stress on its structure.
Less Landscaping Disruption
Many garden plants are dormant in winter, so you can trim trees without worrying you’ll disrupt the landscape. You can have an expert trim the trees and clean up debris well before you’re going to be spending a great deal of time in your outdoor space.
Lower Disease Transmission
Certain tree diseases, often caused by fungi, spread through spores that become airborne or are transmitted via infected tools. Pruning and trimming during winter, when many pathogens are dormant, reduces the risk of spreading disease to other trees or plants. An arborist can identify and remove diseased or decaying branches during this time, helping to protect the health of your entire landscape.
Regular tree maintenance is crucial to keeping your trees as healthy as possible. Find a local professional company with the expertise to do the job right. Contact Robert’s Tree Service for tree trimming and pruning in Albuquerque, NM and the surrounding area.